In a few weeks it will be impossible to land here at Prion Island because there will be to many animals on the beach. Right now it is possible but the smell is disgusting and there are fur seals everywhere, filled with testosterone which makes them kind a aggressive while they try to get their own territory. Our goal was not the beach though so by carefully walked pass them we succeeded to land.
Our goal was a viewpoint a bit further in on the island with the hope of seeing nesting wandering albatrosses. I didn’t nee any nesting but I did see two big, fluffy you birds and while I was admiring them their mum flew just over my head, magical for sure! For you who doesn’t know it the wandering albatross is our planets biggest bird (wingspan) which is somewhere between 3 to 3.5 meters.
The afternoon also got its excitement. We planned to take a zodiac tour at Elsehul however once we opened the side doors which we normally use to get aboard the zodiacs we waves were smashing in. To big risk for injury or that someone will fall overboard so that didn’t work out but instead of canceling the tour the staff built a stairway on the outside of the ship and slightly delayed we were on our way. While we enjoyed more albatrosses, penguins and even a leopard seal the staff at M/V Hondius was pumping out the water from the ship which entered during our first failed launch
The only thing that wasn’t good was the weather. Really gray and foggy which I though only appeared in Sweden during November made it more or less impossible to get any nice pictures so I rather quick decided to put my camera in the bag and just enjoy the moment instead.
Gentoo penguins Gentoo penguins Prion Island Antarctic skua (I think) Wandering albatross Wandering albatross Wandering albatross Wandering albatross Wandering albatross Wandering albatross Elsehul Elsehul M/V Hondius Elsehul Elsehul Diving Gentoo’s at Elsehul Credits Bill Smith