Our plan was to go by South Orkney Islands however they are apparently still surrounded by pack ice so we need to change our plans. Instead we aim for South Shetland Island, more exact Elephant Island . The Majority of the islands are still covered/surrounded by pack ice so lets see what happens but at least we got a plan, it s however at least 2.5 days of traveling before we arrive but hopefully we can land there.
Our expeditions leader, captain and the rest of the crew is doing an amazing job and its just to look at the number of landings we did at South Georgia as a proof of it. Many of the landings were in rough weather but with a tight crew and a lot of willpower everything is possible. Im both super impressed and grateful for it.
Lectures about animals, nature and history with some breaks for food and photo/video editing makes the days passing by surprisingly quick and tonight they crew arranged a charity auction for South Georgia rat eradiction program. Bill (the author of daily cartoons) is one of the guides who took the presenter role and hi was like born for this. Mixing jokes with stories, chasing and sometimes almost forcing people to bid which made it felt more like a stand up comedy show than a auction.
The items for the auction was not much to have but it was for a good reason and to make sure that the rats doesn’t return to South Georgia and you could clearly notice that we passengers had a bit different budget, for example the Oceanwide flag went for over €600. In total we collected over €2200 which is a good start but they do need more money!