Woke up a good while before the sun decided to rise which can be a bit bitter but the positives of it all are that I was down by the water when it finally decided to come out and what a sight. My photo below doesn’t do the experience justice and the Vasco da Gama bridge that I talked about yesterday is impressive in itself, seeing it in a cavalcade of colours while feeling the heat starting to come was a great way to get rid of the bitterness.
Apart from that, the day has actually been mostly a disappointment, I got a tip from Google to go and look at street art under/on the bridge foundation, a short walk later in a drizzle and a rushing cold wind I realize that oh well, these weren’t particularly exciting. To be honest, the so-called street art wasn’t much to rave about and I’ve seen more impressive paintings on both trains and walls.
The rain increased from drizzle to torrential rain so we decided to go to the local shopping center, here came the next disappointment as it was quite big in itself but most of the shops were closed or just completely uninteresting to someone like me. But I saw two ring-necked parakeets in a tree on the way there, at first I thought they were domestic birds that had escaped but I read on the Internet that they are apparently relatively common here. Definitely the funniest thing that happened on a rather boring day like this. Now time to “enjoy” pasta and sardines in tomato sauce because I am too comfortable to go out in the rain, I should probably just go to bed and sleep the bitterness away, at least here there are no freezing temperatures or snow.