Start of another trip

So its time for another trip and from planning a ski trip me and Martin did a complete turnover and booked a trip with a warming sun, a lovely ocean, jungle and hopefully some nice waves. We are talking about Costa Rica and everything seems to get in order for the trip, our luggage are packed and we are ready. Plenty of time until our flight are leaving and then we have three lovely weeks to do some surfing, I hope my boss wont be mad though cause I think I told him that I will be away for two weeks only.Well, I got my passport and visa card, a rental car is waiting for us and a hostel is booked, three weeks in central america, what could possible to wrong?


9 hours countdown

Countdown has started and the flight takes off in exactly 9 hours, I already found some stuff I forgot to bring which is slightly better than Martin who just started to pack his stuff. Our travel plan is to go from Stockholm to New York, switch plane and then go to San José. The travel time will be around 20 hours so I guess we will be kind a tired when we arrive and hopefully our booking is ok so we have somewhere to stay the first night, it would suck to have to try to find somewhere to stay when you just arrived.

According to the latest reports from the Tamarindo hostel we booked an anteater has been seen, playing ninja. Hopefully he is still there and I catch him with my camera.


Anyway, Martin has started to pack now and I will go and pack my newly bought shorts, use some of my new toothpaste on my new toothbrush and wash my face with my new soap before its time for takeoff.