Even if I already was in place at Aguas Calientes the day started really early, around 05.00 to stand in queue for the shuttle buses up to Macchu Picchu. When you buy your ticket to Macchu Picchu you will get a time slot when you can arrive and according to the rules you are only allowed to stay for 4h and you must have a guide. These rules are good to minimize the wear of the site but the rules are not checked. However you cant get on the bus before its your time according to the Macchu Picchu ticket.
I arrived to Macchu Picchu around 07.00 and the mountains where hidden in cloud which made it really mystical and beautiful. Once the sun arrived the clouds disappeared and it was blue sky and shining sun, cant beat it! My guide was really good explaining the different houses, temples, how it was built and used and how come the Spanish never found it and finally he gave some advice of what to do after his guiding was finished. I think it was roughly 3h with the guide and after that I spent another three hours so hike and see the inka.bridge and of course, the sun gate. The sun gate is a neat hike of 300 altitude meter from the citadel and is real inca-trail. The gate itself isn’t that impressive but the hike is really nice.
The whole place is magical and I cant put words on it. Is is defined as one of new wonders of the world and I do understand why. I think also its the only one who really impressed me and which I didn’t get bored at after 5 minutes. My pictures needs some editing but I give you some raw previews anyway.
Macchu Picchu Macchu Picchu Macchu Picchu Macchu Picchu Macchu Picchu Macchu Picchu The population of Macchu Picchu these days are Lamas Macchu Picchu Macchu Picchu The sun gate The road the buses shuttle people, its steep Macchu Picchu Inca trail Inca bridge The valley Inca trail This is how it really looks