On my way to South Georgia which means another day at sea and I start to get cabin fever, or in plain English, I’m bored!
The day started as usual with a big breakfast and was quickly followed up by a lecture about invasive arts, bio security and photo and videos, all really interesting and good but I feel a bit restless and bored. Luckily for me I have thousands of pictures from my South America trip to sort and edit plus I found some games on my computer so I will be occupied but the day has been slow and tomorrow will be the same.
One positive thing is that we saw both Orcas and Albatrosses today. I was never able to shoot the Orcas with my camera but I must say that a few pictures of the albatross become really nice but I really feel that my camera is holding me back here. I already destroyed one lens (clumsy me) and the current one is not very good for landscape. At the same time I wouldn’t wanna carry around a huge, heavy system camera so my little Nikon 1 is probably a pretty good compromise after all.
Credits Bill Smith