Another morning where you were woken up by an almost annoying happy Mikael who wished you a good morning. You can easily tell that the sea is much calmer today and that your body is getting used to be on the sea since plenty of more people are awake today.
With my 40 years I belong to the youngest part here on the ship but luckily for me I am sharing the cabin with Jesper and Morten who besides are in the same age as me also has the same kind a bad humor and we are interested in the same things, nature and mammals. A lot of the other people on this trip are birders and trust me, they are going all in for it! From early morning to late evening they are standing on the deck, with binoculars and a camera which probably costs more than the trip itself just to be able to catch one tiny bird on film. After spent some time in their company I do however confess that its quite fun to try to catch the birds and whatever you say, the birders are amazing on finding the animals. how tiny they even might be.
I still haven’t seen any whales but an albatross glided pass, big distance and shaking by cold made the picture very blurry though but hopefully I get a new attempt tomorrow.
But we have been good boys today too. Before our landing on Falkland Islands we have been washing, scrubbing, vacuum cleaning over and over again. Falkland Island are really afraid of invasive arts and now you will not find even a single sand corn in neither my clothes, backpack or boots, I’m ready for the landing!
Credits: Bill Smith